Tag: fattori di rischio ambientali


Burden of disease in Tuscany: aims and methods of the ACAB project

Publication date: 28/01/2025 – E&P Code: repo.epiprev.it/2890
Authors: Giulia Carreras1, Miriam Levi2, Michela Baccini3

The ACAB Project (“Attributable CAncer Burden in Tuscany: smoking, environmental and occupational risk factors, and evaluation of prevention strategies”) is a three-year scientific initiative funded by the Tuscany Region under the 2018 Bando Ricerca Salute. In this article we illustrate the project main aims and outcomes, and we describe methodological issues and data sources.
The main goal of this project is to produce an updated estimate of the burden of disease for the leading causes of death in Tuscany (Italy), and, focusing on cancers, to estimate the burden of disease due to smoking, ambient air pollution and occupational risk factors. The burden of disease is quantified for the Tuscan population as a whole and by subareas in terms of years of life lost due to premature death, of years lived with disability and in terms of their sum, i.e. disability adjusted life years. All the results are presented with a careful measure of uncertainty.
The project results, which are available on the website www.acab-toscana.it, are useful for health care professionals for the evaluation and communication regarding the main risk factors for the population, and provide support to the development of informed prevention plans.

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Endometriosi, uno studio partecipato nella Valle del Serchio: stato dell’arte e prospettive

Publication date: 21/09/2023 – E&P Code: repo.epiprev.it/2811
Authors: Giorgia Stoppa1, Chiara Doccioli2, Benedetta Turelli3, Giacomo Danieli2, Angela Landi3, Dolores Catelan1, Luca Ronfani4, Annibale Biggeri1 Sottomesso alla peer review sulla rivista Epidemiologia&Prevenzione

Introduzione: L’endometriosi è una patologia cronica con significativo impatto sulla salute femminile, caratterizzata dalla presenza di tessuto endometriale al di fuori della cavità uterina. Sono pochi gli studi finora condotti sulla popolazione generale e la reale prevalenza di endometriosi non è nota per molte aree del paese. Questo studio ha l’obiettivo di stimare più accuratamente la prevalenza di endometriosi in tre regioni italiane (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Toscana, Puglia) e valutare il rapporto tra endometriosi e fattori ambientali in tre aree di partecipazione (Trieste, Barga e Taranto).

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