Tag: aria


Inquinamento atmosferico e epidemia COVID-19: la posizione della Rete Italiana Ambiente e Salute

Publication date: 17/04/2020 – E&P Code: repo.epiprev.it/1145
Authors: Steering Committee del progetto CCM RIAS: Carla Ancona1, Paola Angelini2, Lisa Bauleo1, Fabrizio Bianchi3, Lucia Bisceglia4, Ennio Cadum5, Annalaura Carducci6, Maria Luisa Clementi7, Annamaria Colacci8, Aldo Di Benedetto9, Francesco Forastiere10, Ivano Iavarone11, Paola Michelozzi1, Fabrizio Minichilli3, Andrea Ranzi8, Lorenzo Richiardi12, Massimo Stafoggia1
Autore per corrispondenza: Carla Ancona (c.ancona@deplazio.it)

Abstract. In queste ultime settimane, sono stati diffusi online contributi sotto forma pre-print (senza peer-review) che discutono o presentano analisi di dati sulla relazione tra i livelli di inquinamento atmosferico e l’epidemia di COVID-19 (malattia del Coronavirus causata dalla SARS-CoV-2). L’attenzione è posta in particolare sui potenziali effetti del particolato fine (PM), sulla diffusione della epidemia e sulla prognosi delle infezioni respiratorie.

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Potential effects of airborne particulate matter on spreading, pathophysiology and prognosis of a viral respiratory infection

Publication date: 02/04/2020 – E&P Code: repo.epiprev.it/688
Authors: Simona Re1, Angelo Facchini2

Abstract. Scientific studies show evidence of a correlation between air pollution levels and respiratory diseases, with a possible increase in the morbidity of respiratory viral infections. However, following the outbreak of Covid-19, the possible effects of the PM (particulate matter) concentrations on the susceptability and pollution-mediated effects are not scientifically demonstrated yet.
In order to shed light on this topic, we performed a narrative review of the scientific literature upon the potential effects of PM on spreading, pathophysiology and prognosis of viral respiratory infections related to Covid-19.
We discuss four hypotheses: 1) how can air pollutants affect the prognosis of respiratory infectious diseases; 2) how can the interaction between air pollutants and pathogens increase the infectious potential of respiratory pathogens; 3) how can air pollutants foster the infectious potential of respiratory pathogens by veiculating them; 4) how can air pollutants worsen the respiratory co-infections by increasing antibiotic resistance.

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